Basic File

Phone_number Message
16175551212 Hello!
17812221212 Hello!

These two messages will be sent immediately as no date_time is designated.

Basic File with Date-time

Phone_number Message Date_time
16175551212 Merry Christmas 12-25-2022: 12:00
17812221212 Happy New Year 01-01-2023: 00:00

These two messages will be sent at different times.

File with Additional Parameters and Message Template

Phone_number Message Date_time Source_number Throughput Param1 Param2 Agent_id
16175551212 Hello ${param1}, your balance is ${param2}. 01-25-2022: 12:00 18002311234 1 John $1,500 agent5
17812221212 01-12-2022: 17:00 18889877896 Peter $950 agent27

The two resulting messages sent 1 minute apart would be:
“Hello John, your balance is $1,500.” sent from (800) 231-1234 to (617) 555-1212 on January 25, 2022 at noon.
“Hello Peter, your balance is $950.” sent from (888) 987-7896 to (781) 222-1212 on January 12, 2022 at 5pm.
Any reply messages from John or Peter will be tagged with their respective agent IDs for routing to a specific agent for SMS chat.