User-defined parameters can be used in a message template to send personalized messages. The message template is inserted as a default parameter. User-defined parameters are preceded by a dollar sign and enclosed in curly braces. Example: ${param1}.

Phone_number Message Param1 Param2
16175551212 Hello ${param1}, your balance is ${param2}. John $1,500
17812221212 Peter $950

The two resulting messages sent would be
“Hello John, your balance is $1,500.” and
“Hello Peter, your balance is $950.”

Templates can also be created and saved within the SMS Broadcast Web Interface (“Use Template” under the BROADCAST tab) then referenced in the SFTP file by name. For example, if you had created a template in the UI with the name “balance” you would reference it in the SFTP file as follows:

Phone_number Message Param1 Param2
16175551212 balance John $1,500
17812221212 Peter $950